& Non Catholics
We are glad to have you visiting our site and our parish!
Whatever your faith tradition may be, we welcome the opportunity to help you better understand Catholicism or be comfortable attending a Catholic Mass or event. So feel free to look around our website (particularly Catholicism 101 and Useful Resources) and/or contact us if we can be of assistance.
As you take steps to better understand Catholicism, we encourage you to link to Catholic resources from our website or from the Archdiocesan site. See, there are more than a few sites/books/etc. that claim to be Catholic but are not faithful to Church teaching - consciously or unconsciously. We want your knowledge of the Faith to be based on truth . . .
So choose your sources wisely and let us know if we can help.
Just for You
A group of Catholics (many of whom are converts) has developed a site to help others become introduced to Catholicism. They've done a terrific job and will steer you in the right direction:
> If you are Protestant, Evangelical, or part of another faith...
> If you are "not really religious"...
NOTE: If some of the videos on that site aren't working for you, it may be that you need to update some of your applications
Coming for a Mass or other celebration?
We are glad you'll be joining us, whether it's for our weekly celebration of the Mass or for another occasion - perhaps a friend or family member's wedding, confirmation, first communion, etc. Whatever the occasion, we know it can be intimidating if you don't know what to expect at a Catholic Mass. The most effective way to manage any questions or concerns you might have is to contact the Parish Office